From: Blinded by numbers, first published in October 2007.
Rochester-based Advanced Power Components is an electronic components distributor. It has three main businesses: specialist electronic components distribution, a manufacturers representative business, which receives a commission for selling on behalf of the manufacturer, and procurement and materials management under the ‘go!’ brand. The electronic components distribution business was supplemented by the acquisition of Hero Electronics in May 2006. APC supplies niche and hard to get components and its key customers are involved in the military, aerospace, transport and industrial sectors. Read more 'Advanced Power Components'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in October 2007.
Cambridge-based Cyan Holdings is a fabless semiconductor business that specialises in microcontrollers. It was founded in 2002 and the key product is the ultra low power eCOG1 16-bit microcontroller unit. More recently it has developed a 32-bit microcontroller unit. Cyan has its own free design tool called CyanIDE which enables customers to design their own microcontrollers. Cyan’s microcontrollers are particular suited to wireless, EPoS and handheld devices. The main selling points are the low power and potential reduction in cost and time. Read more 'Cyan Holdings'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in August 2007.
Intellego wants to be a consolidator in the e-learning market. Targets should be in similar markets. Intellego believes it can increase turnover and cut costs by integrating the acquisitions. Read more 'Intellego'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in August 2007.
A poor performance from its IT training subsidiary hit last year’s figures from ILX but it should recover this year. Read more 'ILX'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in August 2007.
At the recent Growth Company Investor Show at the Barbican in London Peter Webb of Unicorn Asset Management talked about what he looks for in companies and why he might decide to sell one of his shareholdings. He also outlined his preferred shares for the current year. Read more 'What investors are looking for'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in June 2007.
In hindsight the share price got ahead of itself following Eleksen’s reversal into Bora Communications in May 2005. Read more 'Eleksen'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in June 2007.
Product development has progressed well but revenues have been hard to come by. However, there are signs that business is starting to come through. Read more 'Servision'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in June 2007.
Chelford supplies enterprise and supply chain software to a number of sectors, including manufacturing, distribution and financial services. Last year it was split into two reporting divisions: SAP and Chelford’s own software and IT services. Read more 'Chelford'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in March 2007.
According to a trading statement issued at the beginning of 2007, the two newer parts of the group, Nika and MicReD, traded above expectations. Read more 'Flomerics'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in March 2007.
Prologic is changing its model in order to generate more consultancy revenues. The consultancy will add revenues earlier in the process and help Prologic win the contract to supply software. The focus will continue to be on the UK fashion and accessories sector. Read more 'Prologic'
From: Blinded by numbers, first published in March 2007.
Cantono, which was previously known as Hamsard, tried to do too many things and this led to it getting into financial difficulties. Read more 'Cantono'